Monday, February 23, 2009


1. What have you been doing recently ? eat, sleep, shit, play.
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off ? unless my phone's low batt and i'm sleeping. 
3. What happened at 10am today ? i woke up to pee.
4. When did you last cry ? 3 days ago.
5. Believe in fate/destiny ? i guess so
6. What do you want in your whole life now ? love and peace
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood ? i love walking in the rain! 
8. What your favourite thing to have on your bed ? my bolster!
9. What bottoms are you wearing now ? fbt shorts
10. What is the nicest thing in your inbox ? i don't like to check my email.
11. Do you tend to make relationship complicated ? complicated, as in? 
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from someone ? nope.
13. What is the last movie you caught ? i forgot. its been long long time since i watched a      movie. 
14. What are you proud of ? eh, nothing?  
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox says ? sleeping?
16. What is the last song you sang out loud ? crush
17. Do you have any nicknames? yes -.-
18. What does your last receive text message says ? yeah, but we can't work for a month.  
19. What time did you go to bed last night ? 4 am.
20. Are you currently happy ? no. but i'm not angry or sad either.   
21. Who gives you the best advice ? my mom i guess.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can ? noo. 
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night ? cheryl
24. Is smth bugging you now ? i don't think so.
25. What/who was the last person who made you laugh ? my darling. 
26. Do you wear toe socks ? ehhhh, nope.
27. Who is the last person you missed a call from ? karina 
28. Have you ever had your heart broken ? yes
29. What annoys you most in a person ? when you promise me something yet you forgot. 
30. Do you have a crush on someone ? more than that.
31. Have you ever done cocaine ? what's cocaine? 
32. Whats the colour of your room ? white
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion bucks ? for what? -.-
34. -35. Who was the last person who lie on your bed? myself
36. Who was the last person to hug you ? my darling. 
37. Did you see the last person you kissed recently ? yesterday.
38. Do you have a life ? YES I DO.
39. Have you ever thought someone died, when they didnt ? in tv shows, yes. 
40. What is the reason behind your blog song ? i don't know. i think its cute and i love the lyrics. ' slow it down, make it slow, else my heart is going to pop! ' 
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams ? erm, i forgot, some man trying to catch me. 
42. Last time you smiled ? while answering the previous question. 
43. Have you changed this year ? this is just the beginning of the year.
44. What are you listening to right now ? the show! 
45. Are you talking to someone while doing this ? don't feel like talking now. 
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed ? obviously i walk with my eyes open! 
47. Is there a quote you live by ? it will all get better in time. 
48. Do you want someone you can nvr have ? i don't think so. no, i don't want. 
49. Have you ever played an instrument ? violin, viola, recorder! 
50. What was the worst idea you've had this week ? don't wish to remember
51. What were you doing last night at 11pm ? sean's place. watching the pianist. 
52. Are you happy with your love life now ? i guess so. 
53. What song best describes your love life? love story? :D 
54. Does the person knows you like him/her ? sean, do you know that i love you?
55. Who makes you laugh? as long as i feel like laughing, everybody can make me laugh.
56. Do you speak other languages other than english ? mandarin. abit of teochew.
57. Favourite websites ? don't have. 
58. Whats your middle name? Lai
59. No qns.
60. What do you think you are like? a very short person with two hands, two legs, ten toes and fingers. 
61. Who will you choose to die with? alone. why would i want people to die with me -.- 
62. Where have you been today ? all along at home. 
63. What games do you play often ? ehh, i don't play games anymore. 
64. Who are you missing now? nobody.  
65. If you had to choose between your friend or your lover which will you choose? since i can't choose both, then i won't choose any. 
66. What are you doing right now ? doing this 100 questions quiz. 
67. Which primary sch are you from ? rulang primary and park view primary
68. Name 3 colours you like? i love telling people my fav colours! blue, pink and milky green! 
69. What emotion do you like to show ? i show all actually. but of course when i'm happy. 
70. What is your life to you ? interesting journey filled with ugly humans. 
71. If you have something bothering you what will you do ? cry and get over it. i'm really a cry baby. 
72. Who did you last chat on msn today ? justin
73. Who do you admire the most ? admire. hmm, no idea. 
74. Which month are you born in ? i'm a october baby.
75. How are you feeling right now ? nothing.
76-77. What is the time is it now? 7.10 pm. 
 78. What colour did you use to dye your hair ? i don't dye my hair. 
79. Why are you doing this quiz ? obviously cause i'm bored.
80. What do you do when you are moody? whine. or sleep. or be autistic.   
81. At which age do you wish to get married ? 30
82. Who is more impt to you? everybody is. 
83. If today was the last day of your life what would you do? sleep early and have sweet dreams. 
84. Who is the person you trust the most? actually all my friends.
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? i don't know. haven't seen one.
86. If a dream came true what would it be? i'm princess living in a pink filled castle. :D  
87. What is your goal for this year? no idea yet. :D 
88. No qns.
89. What feeling do you love the most? happy and being loved.  
90. Do you think its global warming now? everyone says it is. so it is.  
91. What feeling do you hate the most? what else other than disappointment. 
92. Do you like quizzes? i guess so. it kills time when i'm bored. 
93. Do you believe in God ? hmmm, yes :D 
94. Who cares for you the most? my mom? sean? my friends? 
95. What do you think is the most impt thing in your life? being able to adapt and learn.  
96. What will you bring when you fight? i'll answer it next time when i fight.  
97. What have you regretted during your whole life? i hope not.  
98. What would you do if nobody cared for you? i would. ermmm. care for myself? 
99. What would you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two timed you? i would start thinking why did i choose him as my boyfriend. and perhaps he's not the one for me. if i can, i would forgive. 

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