Thursday, February 19, 2009


and no, i didn't walked to East Coast Park to catch the sunrise. cause its dark and cold and its lonely and scary. wanted to go breakfast with jessica and justin but no, we all ended up sleeping. lol. we're the three Js!  :D!

apparently in the afternoon, i think something went wrong in me. i'm sorry. but then i really wanna pass that to you by today what! its just you know, when i have something for you and i don't get to pass it to you like how i wanted, i'll be sad. cause i thought you'll be happy when you see it. you know you know? ahhh k, nevermind.

went to watch sleague again. that was stupid. stupid game i must say. i'm already poor enough, spending money on food, taxi fare. and to add on to it, i keep losing moneyyy. asshole. UGH. i must remember, for the love of the game. FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME. -.- during the game, cause me and jess was too bored, we decided to colour our lips with m&ms! BLUE, GREEN, RED. childish i know but it reminds me of the time when i'm much younger. i used to do that alot. and i think i need to ask for allowance already since my mom's going overseas. else i'm gonna starve for the whole of next week. pathetic right!

ahhh, i think my body's falling apart. its aching like crap. i also didn't exercise or whatnot. -.- my fingers, toes, hands and legs are dropping!

i'm joycethesweetheartandthesmartiepants! :D 

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