Wednesday, May 6, 2009


started the day with really bad traffic congestion. probably due to the rain, all highways are full of cars. accident and accidents, as if the weather isn't bad enough to cause the congestion. apparently, my mom wanted to go by tpe but the jam is really bad. so changed and changed and changed. i was late for half an hour despite leaving my house like ten minutes earlier than usual. luckily when i walked into the class, mrs chua was smiling at me. lol.

and soon, it was my turn to present. the best part was, i didn't even have script. so i just borrowed some paper from fenglin and scribbled some words on it which i barely referred to when i was presenting. stupid. lol. in a presentation, you've to speak fluently. but mrs chua said i was too fluent it became too flowy and i tend to link up my words, so my dictions weren't clear enough. so weird right. not fluent cannot, too fluent also cannot. lol. ahhh, will be presenting again next week! ten percent! :D

after bcomm was bmgt lecture. we went to makan place to tapao subway cookies and bubble tea. :D i getting kinda sick of subway cause i seem to be eating it almost everyday. ohh and i saw cheryl there! the school is really big, you seldom get to see your friends. i haven't even seen dwayne and kirstie in school before. that's just the irony. same school but don't get to see them. bmgt lecture was boring at usual.

i wanna slide down the staircase railing! but the one at the entrance of BA is too tall i can't reach it. then one at the underpass is too steep, i'm afraid of it! imagine if i fall backwards. lol. hello sean, i need you to hold me! hope i'll see you when i wanna do those kind of stupid stuff cause only you'll hold me. :D

oh and we took some photos during itb lecture. :D


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