Friday, February 27, 2009


yay! what's the adjective to describe happier than the happiest? :D today felt like one of the days when we're still working for the puma sales. lol.

went to kallang leisure park today. our supposed plan was to go ice skating. however when we reached there, we saw no crowd in the rink except a notice outside. UNDER RENOVATION. how awesome. how disappointing. :( so now all the ice skaters in singapore have no rink to practice. very irritating eh. ugh. so we headed to the arcade! i think jessica and me were like some retards, trying to squeeze the tiny weeny colourful plastic balls out and throw at the screen! nevertheless, it was fun fun fun and fun! ahhahaha!

caught 'role models'. eh the movie is nice you know! its rather hilarious and stupid and retarded except for a few sexual jokes and scenes. so wait no more, go catch it soon okay! :D but erm, movie preferences for individuals are different so if its not nice, don't blame me! yay! then it was to bedok 85! wheeeeeee! we ordered alot alot of food. yummayeeee! :D.

when we were on the mrt to kallang, something interesting happened! this caucasian guy, he rested his leg on the metal pole, you know, the one for people to hold. then this singaporean old english man in his sixties i suppose, he came in. he told the caucasian guy to put down his leg but he didn't. so they started arguing. damn funny okay! the uncle talked about being educated and some singapore cultures. and all the caucasian guy said was, ' thanks for entertaining me, you're hilarious.' ' i apologised for it and thanks for educating me.' i mean what the hell right. so sarcastic! lol. but this kind of incident doesn't happen everday and it kind of entertain you especially if you're taking long mrt rides. :D 

hahah! emyza! you're addicted to the song right! :D 

Ohh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again.

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