Friday, February 27, 2009


nothing better to do.

'Goats are naturally artistic and inventive. They are not pursuers of material wealth and rely on their imaginations to enrich their lives. However, Goats can be very generous to those they love. Goats often do not fare well in romantic liaisons. They are very high strung and tend to feel insecure. They are worriers. To quell their uncertainties, Goats need to feel loved and admired at all times. Goats are extremely sensitive and will fret over the most trifling things. Conflict within a relationship will make Goats retreat further into their minds or physically remove themselves from the scene. When love is going well for them, Goats can be quite demanding of their partner. The happy Goat does not just take, but loves to give to its lover too. Goats who learn to control their worries can be quite happy. Once they know their friends and family will be waiting for them when they return from their inner journeys, Goats can be very happy.'

quite true ah. i'm a worrier. i'm extremely sensitive. hahahah. sean, yours.

'Horses are good with money and, of course, have a passion for travel. Paradoxically, Horses desire love, which can lead them to feel ensnared. The rawness of their sex appeal is like a magnet and makes it easy for Horses to find love. Horses are skilled at the art of seduction. However, their relationships are unpredictable because their behavior is so erratic and they may flee without notice.Horses are not a patient lot. They can be quite impulsive and more than a little insensitive to the feelings of others. These self-reliant beings follow their whims through life, which explains why their paths are often littered with unfinished relationships, jobs and ventures. Conversely, Horses motivate others easily and often do reach their goals.'

ahhh i'm bored. or rather too tired to do anything but lazy to move my ass to the bed. i saw many many many things that i wanted to get. though payday's coming, i should be looking forward to it. but again, i'm afraid i'll spend it all in a day. when will i ever learn the beauty of saving. -.- to make it worse, lady luck decided not to be by my side anymore. what is this man.

life is really a journey filled with ugly humans. what's with all those selfish people. and those who gets jealous easily. and those who only think for themselves, doing things just to benefit them. especially people who has hidden motives. not to mention those who act like some hypocrites. ugly. disgusting. seriously disgusting. this is far worse than people who are unreasonable and all. shouldn't the world be filled with angels. then there'll be peace and love instead of hatred and jealousy.

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