Friday, February 20, 2009


dont read it if you think its too long. lol.

what's a suitable word to replace 'miss'? or a better verb to further emphasize on the word 'miss'. okay i know i shouldn't be saying this already but i really really miss the class a lot. :( i still don't wanna move on to tertiary education cause i still don't bear to use past tense when it comes to my secondary school days. or rather, i can't and refuse believe five years passed in the wink of an eye. those days were so fun, funny, sad, teary, annoying, irritating, tiring, stressful, happy, noisy, bitchy. okay, the fun and laughter we had was beyond beggar description, i swear you've to experience it yourself. the angry, annoyed, irritated faces of our teachers made us laugh like crazy. all the nicknames we had for them, and all the nursery rhymes we came up with. i had my fair share of laughter and tears.

my friends and i used to see each other everyday, spent our lunch breaks and recess together. go toilet together, tie our hair and stuff. and now it feels like something's missing cause we only get to see each other once or twice in a week. how sad can that be. used to have lunch with melanie and josephine everyday after school taking cab back together. and during free periods, at times i'll be over at melanie's place, gossiping. hahaha. what's new? girls' nature please. :D but ahhh, what's happening now man. everyone's busy with their own life and all. but nevermind, we're meeting up soon right? the buffet at tanjong katong! :D yay! eat and cab again! :D

at the age of sixteen or rather seventeen, who will get excited when there's mee siam on that day? and do the stupidest thing on earth? me and karina! hahahaha. stupid i tell you. and she's always the one whom i'll always talk to when i'm angry or sad. both of us will start whining, complaining and all, but will end off with shopping or eating. lol. who will sing with me and pack my file for me in class? Xinyi! but ah, doesn't even contact her anymore. eh, where have you been to man! seems like you're too busy with your boyfriend eh! lol. who will try to make jokes that are not funny but will end up laughing herself? goes shopping with me, always accompanying me to different places, and always doing retarded stuff ? Puay joo! and not to mention, she can't laugh silently! hahahaha!

and yes, michelle! hahahah! i think you're the only one who would go crazy with me! hopping our way to bedok 85 from tanah merah interchange. whenever we're tired after the puma sales, we'll start playing, buying lollipops and all. we were so noisy and kiddish, so much so that emyza and sean said they're bringing some kids out! but nevertheless, it's fun right! remember, ' whenever you're down or tired, turn to lollipops! ' :D

was talking to emyza just now and ahh. can't believe we actually sat near each other for the past five years. sec 1 and sec 3, we sat beside each other. sec 2, 4 and 5 he sat right infront of me. mr das actually called him my honeymoon partner. lol. and he said i was always telling him to straighten his table and arrange those worksheets under the table. hahahah, i actually forgot about it. but come to think of it, i think i remembered already. there was this period of time when emyza went crazy, always turning back to say those stupid and retarded stuff like, ' its so hot, is it me or the weather? ' pretty annoying you know. hahahaha. or at times he'll show me his love letters! i actually get to read it. remember during sec 3, we kept scribbling on this stupid notepad and dominic thought there was something going on between us? lol.

that day was my last day working with alvin and he actually said something sad. ' eh, let's take a photo, maybe it'll be our last photo.' ' don't know when can i see you all again.' don't worry okay, we'll class gathering again when everyone's free! and then we can take lots of photos! you damn annoying, always asking if i will miss you and stuff, yes la yes la, i will. hahaha. cause we've been rather close for this five years. i'll always remember your nonsense, how you never failed to irritate and the next second you made me laugh. lol. how you always used to bitch like a girl. you gossip more than me okay! :D thanks for always paying for the drinks when we're working together. :D

i think its rather funny. me and jessica were classmates for five years. i mean, we were close when we were in sec one, then not anymore. but the thing is, when she got together with kean, and i got together with sean, both of us got close again. we started talking, texting, asking each other out. and at times we'll whine about how the 'S' and 'K' drives the two 'Js' crazy. hahha. its damn retarded. and jessica, so i suppose you've seen the uglier side of me when i was crying, telling you how sad i was. asking you why our boyfriends are like that. funny funny. wild wild wet soon okay! :D

okay, i've got more to say but ermm, i think i should stop. cause i were to type everything, your eyes would probably be tired and not wanna read anymore. hahaha.

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