Saturday, February 21, 2009


went to lavender food court to have our lunch and dinner, then went over to jalan besar stadium. okay, we're really the typical singaporeans. damn kiasu. lol. just for that free macdonald meal, we reached there one and a half hour earlier. and its some budget meal. lol.

thereafter went to weiyang's bbq! happy birthday! is it belated or advance? lol. all the food that i was craving for yesterday, i had it today! just now! ahahhaha! abit paiseh cause i think i ate alot. :D but its damn niceeeee okay. plus i was hungry. sat down and talked for a while then home sweet home!!

i think i'm losing myself. i'm not how i was in the past. and its rather annoying to know that. if only i could turn back time, then perhaps, i would have realised ... okay, i hope it'll all get better in time. i feel every ounce of me screaming out, but the sound was trapped deep within. okay, i may sound emo, but i'm perfectly fine okay. lol.

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