Saturday, February 21, 2009


its really boring at home. i wanna go out but i've got no money. ahhh, i still prefer daily allowance, at least i still get money the next day if i spent all my money today. i wanna ask for more but my mom's overseas. how how how. as poor as a church mouse. i can't believe i spent so much. and the thing is i don't know what i spent on. two hundred bucks is more than enough for a week. but why the hell am i still complaining that i've got no money. -.- now i understand why people won't get enough of money. cause the more you have the more you spend! i think i need a personal financial assistant to teach me how to spend money wisely. lol. and its still sucha long way to payday. :( HOW TO GO OUT LIKE THAT. UGH.

make a wish, take a chance,
make a change
and breakaway.

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